A simple and effective daily expense tracker

Money Bee is your assistant in managing expenses, income and budget planning. Take control of your finances by managing your income, tracking expenses, and maintaining a joint budget effortlessly. Access detailed statistics and customize budgets to meet your unique needs. Stay financially organized and achieve your goals with ease.


Key concepts

Our features and capabilities

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Control your finances

Control money flow, track expenses and set a budget to achieve your financial goals.
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Visualize your data

Use statistical tools to accurately and clearly understand where you spend the most money. Understanding where money goes is a key step in financial management.
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Manage together

Budget management becomes much more efficient together. Maintain shared wallets with an unlimited number of users. A convenient way to manage a joint budget

Our features

Meet exciting feature of app

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Fast and easy

Tracking expenses and income is done quickly and conveniently through a simple and intuitive interface.
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Manage together

You can manage your budget together with your family, friends, or colleagues. At the same time, you can create a separate wallet for your own use.
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Free and no ads

All features are available for free and without ads. We do not sell your data to third parties.
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Device Syncing

Your spending are stored on secure cloud servers and can be accessed from any device, anywhere in the world.
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Good Customization

You can create your own custom categories, tags, control notifications, and manage multiple accounts.
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Customer Support

You can contact us anytime, anywhere.

Easy start

Let’s see how it works


Create account in seconds

Use Google, AppleID or anonymous login to create an account in seconds and start tracking.

Create wallet and add expenses

Create one or more wallets and start adding expenses and income. You can add expenses in any currency.

Share your wallet with friends and family

Share your wallet with friends and family and manage your budget together. Receive notifications about changes in the wallet if you want.

Understand your spending habits

Use statistics to understand where you spend the most money and set a budget to achieve your financial goals. Understand witch income source is the most profitable.


Check out our reviews

Free, no ads

Every features are free to use.


Premium by default

For everyone

Pay nothing
  • Track your income and expenses effortlessly with Money Bee’s intuitive interface.
  • Create and manage multiple wallets for different financial purposes, ensuring organized budgeting.
  • Share wallets via QR code for real-time joint budget management with family, friends, or colleagues.
  • Access advanced statistical tools to understand and analyze your spending and income patterns.
  • Create custom categories and tags to tailor the app to your unique financial management needs.
  • Sync your financial data across devices securely, ensuring access anytime, anywhere.

Get your question answer

Frequently asked question

What is Money Bee?
Money Bee is a personal financial assistant app that helps you manage your expenses and income. It allows you to track spending, set budgets, access detailed statistics, and maintain a joint budget with family, friends, or colleagues.
How do I start using Money Bee?
Getting started with Money Bee is easy. Simply download the app from the App Store, create an account, and start categorizing your financial transactions. You can also import transaction data from other sources for a quick start.
Can I manage multiple wallets with Money Bee?
Yes, you can create multiple wallets for different purposes within Money Bee. Each wallet allows you to manage its own categories and transactions, providing flexibility and effective financial management.
How can I share a wallet with others?
Sharing a wallet is simple with Money Bee. You can share access to your wallets via a QR code, allowing family members, friends, or colleagues to contribute and track expenses and income in real-time.
Does Money Bee provide detailed financial statistics?
Absolutely. Money Bee offers advanced statistical tools that help you understand where your money goes and where it comes from. You can analyze which expenses take up the most of your budget and which income sources are most profitable.
Is my data safe with Money Bee?
Yes, your data is securely stored on cloud servers, ensuring that it can be accessed from any device, anywhere in the world. Money Bee prioritizes your privacy and does not sell your data to third parties.
Is Money Bee free to use?
Yes, Money Bee is completely free to use, and all features are available without any ads. You can enjoy full functionality without any interruptions.
How can I export my financial data?
You can easily export your financial data in PDF format using Money Bee. This feature is useful for sharing information with tax authorities or business partners.